Certifications by independent institutions show our customers and partners that we are always ready to face taxing reviews of our standards, and are doing so with success.


ISO Certified 9001:2015

ISO Certified 14001-2015

ISO 45001-2018

GLP Certified

OECD 306 “Biodegradability”
CHEMEX, UK Ref: ENV11340/161126

IP392 “Determination of Aromatic Hydrogen and Carbon
Content – High Resolution Magnetic”
CHEMEX, UK Ref: ECO161126

PAH “Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons by HPLC”
CHEMEX, UK Ref: ENV11440/161126

Sherry Laboratories, LA – USA Ref: B10100020-02

NSF Certification No. C0504668 – 02